Saturday, April 6, 2013


LALANG (Imperata cylindrica) are weeds under famioly Poaceae easily grown in wild in Malaysia. For the botanical description, lalang are a perennial grass, growing in loose or compact tufts, from stout, extensively creeping, scaly rhizomes with sharp-pointed tips. Leaf sheaths relatively short, glabrous or pubescent; ligule a membrane, 0.5-1 mm long. Leaf blades erect, narrow and pubescent at base, flat and glabrous above, to 1.2 m (4 ft) tall and to 2 cm (< 1 in) wide, with whitish midvein noticeably off-center; blade margins scabrous, blade tips sharp pointed. Inflorescence a narrow, dense terminal panicle, white silky and plume-like, to 21 cm (8 in) long and 3.5 cm (1.5 in) wide. Spikelets are crowded, paired on unequal stalks, with each spikelet surrounded by long white hairs. For the ecological significance as I study, lalang are considered one of the top 10 worst weeds in the world, reported by 73 countries as a pest in a total of 35 crops. Lalang easily grows on roadside, riverside, paddy area, idle land and under vegetation. Most lalang in Malaysia are controlled by chemical such as Round-up weedicide and other systemic seedicide. From my observation, lalang are spread through the light flower flown by winds.

The distribution ogf Lalang are easily found everywhere. The most commonly found in humid tropics but has spread to warm temperate zones worldwide. Currently it was reported for all over Malaysia in many parts
especially on newlly disturbed open area. Life History of lalang are related to the ability of Fast-growing and it was known as thrives in areas of minimal tillage such as orchards, lawns, and roadsides. Lalang are able to produce new rhizomes readily very fast to facilitatie the plant’s spread at newly colonized sites. lalang also can propagate by rhizome fragments but does not survive well under regular deep tilling. Roots and rhizomes remarkably resistant to fire due to the rhizomes under the ground. Disperses over long distances into a variety of habitats by windborne seeds  The Lalang Flowers in  able to spread all year-round in Malaysia especially during dry season a d windy condition.

M Anem
Senior Agronomist
DOA Malaysia
(25 JamadilAwal 2013H)

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