Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Plants components


Leaves are where a plant’s food is made by photosynthesis. Leaves take in carbon dioxide from the air, water from the soil and energy from sunlight. Most leaves in green while others in Red, Yellow, pale and many other combination colors. The leaves is the most important plants components to process CO2, water , nutrient and sunlight for food production. The shape, size, numbers, color, function and appearance differ from one plant genus to another.

Flowers are the reproductive parts of a plant. A flower’s petals and its scent attract bees and insects to pollinate the flower. After pollination, the petals fall away and seeds develop in the part of a flower called the ovary. The ovary itself usually becomes what we call fruit.

Stems support the upper parts of plants. Water and dissolved nutrients from the soil travel up the stem in a system of tubes. Food from the leaves travels down the stems to the roots. Stems also store food.

Roots of plants anchor the plants in the soil. Water and minerals are taken from the soil through the roots. Many plants, such as carrots, store food in their roots. 4 Unit 1 PlantsSeeds contain a tiny embryo of a plant inside. The seed halves contain food that supplies energy and materials for growth until the plant grows its first leaves above the ground.

Petals are the brightly colored structures that form the outer part of the flower. Buds are small lateral growths on the stem of a plant. Incompletely opened flowers, buds are not yet at full growth and development.
Nodes are thickened or swollen enlargements of a plant (as on the trunk of a tree).

Stigma is a portion of the pistil that receives the pollen grains.
Anther is the part of the stamen in seed plants that consists of microsporangia, develops and contains pollen and, though sometimes sessile, is usually borne on a stalk.

Sepal is a protective structure (like a petal) that covers the flower bud.
Pollen is a fine dust that on germination produces a tube that goes into the ovary.

Mold is a plant that does not produce its own food, growing directly on its host.

Slime Molds are naked creeping vegetative masses that live on hosts. Slime molds produce large flowing masses that join together and develop spores.

Spores are minute unicellular resting bodies that can produce a new vegetative individual when conditions become favorable.

Rhizomes are elongated tube-shaped stems or branches of a plant that produce shoots above and roots below the soil and from which a new plant can begin to grow.

Algae are unicellular vegetative and animal-like bodies. They produce chlorophyll
that determines the plants’ colors of green, brown, red.

Fungi are aquatic and terrestrial vegetative structures living on dead or decaying matter, or in symbiotic association with each other, usually for mutual benefit.

A fungus has the form of a tubular branched filament that branches increasingly, intermeshing into irregular networks. Some filaments pack together in dense orderly patterns producing, for example, mushrooms. Like molds, fungi have the ability to produce spores and to disperse them for greater distribution.

Lichens are symbiotic associations of algae and fungi.

Plant components are normally consists of Leaves, Stems, Fruits, Flower, Seeds, Roots and the whole tree structure. More to study the plants components in the next article.

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