Monday, June 28, 2010

Chicken Manure

Chicken manure used in chili as organic manure at TKPM.

Chicken Manure?

Chicken manure fertilizer is considered the best kind of organic fertilizer because it is high in nitrogen and balanced nutrients like potassium and phosphorous. It is the most desired organic compost for vegetable crops. The broilers chicken manure claimed to be better quality compare to broilers. Composting chicken manures mellows the nitrogen content since it is high in nitrogen and can be dangerous to plants when not properly prepared. Using raw chicken manure can kill plants so proper composting is very essential to make successful chicken manure compost. Aside from killing the plants, raw chicken manure can contain food borne diseases that can be ingested if used on vegetable crops.

Making the Chicken Manure Compost
Most of the local commercial poultry cages or chicken coops I have seen have welded wire mesh flooring and the manure falls straight down on the soil underneath the elevated cages unlike chicken coops in other countries where they used wooden shavings or hay for the chicken bedding. So preparing compost with other ingredients like hay or dried grass is better compared to using only chicken manure. As suggested by some websites I have seen, composting chicken manure is fairly simple. Just dump the chicken bedding (which contains dried grass, hay and wooden shavings of course) in the compost bin.

Then water it thoroughly and turn it every few weeks to mix air into the pile. Since most poultry businesses here don’t use chicken bedding, mixing the chicken manure with other organic materials like saw dust, newspapers and dried grass or leaves is a good idea. And if you are wondering what a compost bin is, it can be a large plastic drum or a large wooden box. Plastic drums or containers needs to be drilled with holes on the bottom and sides for the air to mix with the compost and it will take 6 to 9 months and a maximum of 12 months for the compost to be ready for use.
The price of chicken manure only about RM 2.50 per bag (estimated weight about 20 kg) in 1985 increased 5 times more today and the consignment by lorries about RM 800- RM 1,400 per metric ton. Chicken manure went another level when it was processed to a granule form and odourless . This new organic chicken manure added with special nutrients such as NPK and trace elements for specific purpose. The new technology in using chicken move to modern application and user friendly but the price?..... of course higher.


M Anem

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