Banana (Musa spp) are grown in Malaysia for domestic and export market. Among popular species banana grown in Malaysia include Pisang Rastali, Pisang Mas, Pisang Berangan, Pisang Tanduk, Pisang Nipah and few others. The nutritional value (one serving) or one medium (Berangan) (60g) include calories: 62kcal, dietary fibre: 0.3g, fat: 0.2g, Protein: 3.1g, Potassium: 226.5mg, Vitamin A: 239.2IU, Vitamin C: 3.4mg, Beta-Carotene: 143.9mcg and also Folate: 11.5mcg. Few reason to eat banana include the good source of fibre. Bananas contain two main types of fibre, resistant starch thst found in unripe bananas. The Pectin nutrien that iIncreases as the banana ripens. Banana also rich in potassium and as a disease-fighting factor. This include the resistant starch is indigestible and ends up in the large intestine, where it becomes food for the good bacteria in the gut. This helps to promote gut health. Both resistant starch and pectin can also offer appetite-reducing effects and increase the feeling of fullness after meals. Studies show that consuming adequate potassium can help in lowering blood pressure. Potassium also helps in regulating muscle contractions and keeps the heart beating regularly. Due to their mineral content and easily digested carbohydrates, bananas can be a good choice for athletes before, during and after endurance exercise. Best way to eat banana are raw and sliced banana to morning cereal or oatmeal helps to enhance flavours and nutrients. Bananas can also replace sugar for baking and cooking. Banana pancakes are a healthier alternative to standard pancake mixes.
Soursop or Durian Belanda in Malay (Annona muricata) is the most wanted fruit in local market due to the health factor. The nutritional value (one serving): one slice, without seeds (105g) include calories: 68kcal, Dietary fibre: 1.7g, Fat: 0.4g, Protein: 1.4g, Potassium: 308.5mg, Vitamin A: 31.5IU, Vitamin C: 28.3mg, Beta-Carotene: 15.7mcg, Folate: 14.7mcg and also Calcium: 12.6mg. Few reason to eat soursop due to it's a great source of vitamin C. Contains compounds with antioxidant abilities such as tannins, saponins, phytosterils, flavonoids and anthraquinones. The report shown that the disease-fighting factor due to its high antioxidants content help reduce oxidative damage and may lower the risk of chronic diseases. In 2012 in vivo and in vitro study found that soursop extract may protect against pancreatic cancer by inhibiting cellular metabolism. Still, studies are ongoing to evaluate the efficacy of soursop as an adjuvant therapy for pancreatic cancer. The best way to eat soursop by keeping in the soft white flesh in refrigerator as it is best enjoyed cold. It can be used as a base for smoothies, milkshakes and other chilled drinks.
This article divided in 4 segment namely Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 respectively. Thanks....!
M Anem,
(March 2021).
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