CHILI (Capsicum anuum) is a farming activity to produce fresh chilis. In Malaysia growing chilies are considered a commercial farm production activity or growing as a hobby at home. A total of 2,900 - 3,000 hectare of chili are grown in Malaysia anually producing more than sufficient for fresh chilies (Source: Department of Agriculture, Malaysia). Growing Chillies requires a warm and tropical climate with growing environment and so unless you live in a warm climate your Chillie plants will spend a considerable amount of time indoors or in the greenhouse. Chillies are most often grown in pots or grow-bags and are a good source of vitamin C. They also stimulate the circulation and boost metabolism so give a feeling of energy. Malaysian consume chili in most of thheir dishes from breakfast, lunch and supper. There are many type of chili used in the meal preparation from Cili Besar (Chili), Cili Benggala (Bell Papper), Cili Padi (Small Chili) and Cili Kering (Dries Chili). Dried chili mostly imported from China, India and other source country. Chillies are very similar to sweet bell peppers (Capsicum) but they have a hot fiery flavour instead of the sweet flavour associated with bell peppers. This article are discussing about basic information about growing chili in Malaysia for all readers of “Anim Agriculture Technology” blog.
Growing chily started with Sowing activity. This critical stage normally not seriously organised by farmers. It Is very important to select good quality chili seed that is vigorous, free from pests and diseases and high yielding varieties. If sowing indoors or with the netted condition according to the planting scadule. To sow indoors sow 3 seeds in each 1 inch cell of a seedling tray. One seeding tray has 108 holes for seedling to grow using cocopeat or suitable medium. After germination and when the seedling has reached 4cm in height it was ready to transplant your plants into either a 4 inch pot or into their final position. An 8 - 10 inch pot is ideal. Make sure your pot has good drainage and try lining the pot with a few cm of coarse gravel and make sure the drainage hole is not blocked. If using grow bags then space the plants around 25cm apart. You can give the plant a feed at time of transplanting to help them over the 'ordeal'. Make sure your Chillie plants are in a position that receives a good amount of light. Chillies should not be plants in a suitable distance in the farms or in the polibag arranged.
Soil type to grow chillies grow well in a well drained and fertile soil. If planting in pots be sure to use a good organic compost that will retain moisture. Chilies should be watered regularly to avoid 'flooding' them at wide intervals. Watering 2 or 3 times a week so that the soil is damp (not soaked). Overwatering on a regular basis will cause the roots to rot. You will see flowers developing on the plant, leave them on and they will die after a few weeks and chillies will form. Once the plant is producing fruit you can help it along by giving it a small amount of organic liquid fertiliser every few weeks. When the plant is around 6 inches tall you can remove the growing tip, this will encourage the form of the plant to become more bush like. Chillies can reach around 60cm in height and can be supported with a garden cane or other suitable stake. This may be necessary when the plant is fruiting heavily. Always secure chillies from pests and diseases. In Malaysia the most possible problems is to secure from Chili Mozaic Virus. Other possible diseases such as Antracnose, Fusarium Wilt and others. By following the Good Agriculture Practices (MyGAP) the farmers able to harvest good quality chillies for fresh market. Thanks.
M Anem,
Senior agronomist,
Chili Commercial Farms,
TKPM Pulau Manis,
Kuantan, Pahang.
(9 April 2017)
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