Sunday, May 27, 2012


The ripe Dokong (Lansium domesticum) above are grade B for this season when I visited the most popular dokong farmers at Chantaburi, Thailand recently. This farm accredited by Department of Agriculture Thailand as one of the more than 36,000 farms in Thailand received Accredited Farm under Good Agriculture Practices (GAP). The 4 hectare of land planted with mixed with Durian (Durio zibethinus), Banana (Musa spp) and Mangoesteen (Garcinia mangostana)

The mixed orchard are well maintained and using the Chitosan Base Fertilizer (Organic Fertilizer) and there ire no problems of weed in this farm (See foto above). The farmers use PP Brand Fertilizer for almost two years and he claims that the quality of tree and dokong are tremendous compare to the control plots done by the company.

The fertilizer promoters and farmers showing to me how efficient his product to improve the health of dokong tree. If you properly check the photo, you able to see the grade B dokong fruit ready for harvest. The grade A was harvested 3-5 days ago with a premium price. The sweet, big size, bright skin dokong fruit from this farm are one of the best fruit I have been taste...

The healthy dokong bark with few layer of black dry bark. There are also a lots of ants moving from one branch to the others. Compare to the control plot without organic chitosan fertilizer, this tree produce 4-5 times fruit with better quality.

M Anem
Dokong Commercial Farm,
Chantaburi, Thailand
(12 May 2012)

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