The farmers prepare for grading and packaging at the farm. Average weight recorded from this farmers about 180 - 220 gram per bag. They are using rubber wood dust as the main media and other mixed components are paddy husks, lime, microbes and rice brands. One structure 30 feet x 80 feet able to store 45,000 - 50,000 bags.
Harvesting of fresh mushroom scheduled every day about 30 - 50 kilogram based on market demand and production schedule. The AA grade (10%) and the A grade (45-60%) and B Grade (15-20%) harvested together with the off grade. In my observation the use of beneficial micro-organism able to prolong the freshness and improve the mushroom quality. Few microbes local product such as EM Power, BMO, IMO-5 Active was used by the farmers.
Technical know how and extension services to mushroom growers improve the farmers skill to control diseases such as Backworm Attack, Green Fungi, Rats and eradicate serious contamination. My experience shows that during long dry period the attack of backworm are serious. To control the attack I advice the farmers to improve sanitation surrounding and the use of diesel spraying in strategic location. During wet season ability of fungi attack controlled by physical and chemical application.
The relative humidity plays an important role in mushroom production system. High temperature and low humidity affect the size of mushroom. Higher of structure and proper aeration system able to reduce the heat with a micro-jet mist installed within the structure. Some farmers installed fan to remove hot air trapped inside the structure.

Mushroom Project in Pagoh Area considered one of the most active area in fresh mushroom production. Anchor Company by the name of C&C Mushroom Sdn Bhd support the growers with the raw material supply, buy back contract farming and processing activity. This company managed to process local mushroom with 'Vacuum Fry Technology' under 'Frulli Fresh' brand and exported to more than 15 nation. There are potential of mushroom farming in this area with the completion of Kompleks Pertanian Pagoh that able to provide more technical research and extension services to the growers.
M Anem
Muar, Johor
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