Thursday, January 2, 2025



(Averhoa carambola) is a popular tropical fruit considered to be native to India, Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Taiwan or the Philippines also in Australia and Florida. Not many coubtry grown starfruit due to the agronomic practices are variable. Malaysia are the most star fruit exporter to Europe region for many years especially fo salads. In 2024 there are about 428 hectare of star fruit groen producing for 6,773 mt fresh fruit for domestic and export market. Popular variety plantes are B10, B17 and some new variety. Star Fruits shapes are oblong and angled (dissected longitudinally into 5 to6 ridges) and are between 5 and 15 cm long, weighing 50 to100 g. 
Fruits have a thin, waxy skin that is either green or orange to yellow in color. The whole fruit is edible and juicy. When sliced in cross section, fruits have the form of a ‘star’ and hence the name. The fruits are harvested when they are either light green, dark green, or yellow in color. In fact, as my observation in which the two distinct classes of star fruits are cultivated: Small type that is light green is very sour but with high oxalic acids, and big type is sweet, mild-flavored, and with less oxalic acid. The fruir consumed as gresh sweet fruits, processed as popular star fruit juice and processed pickles. This article in "Anim Agriculture Technology'' blog I share an infomation about the star fruit as not very popular tropical fruit for many consumers.

According to the Ayurvedic medicine based in India in which the star fruit juice is recommended to aid in digestion and reduce high body temperatures and as a natural eye drop to improve vision. According to ‘Yunani’ medicine, ripe fruits reduce thirst and inhibit diarrhea and vomiting during food poisoning. Traditionally, in India, ripe fruits are used to stop blood hemorrhages. In Vietnam, fruit juice is used as an eye salve and for the amelioration of high blood pressure. In some countries, intake of juice is considered useful to relieve from excessive intake of alcohol. In Brazil reported that fruit juice is recommended as a diuretic and as a treatment for eczema.  Star fruits are used in fruit salads, jam preparations, clarified juices, jellies, and preserves. Local population in Malaysia cook star fruits with seafood or meat. In addition, salads prepared by mixing and stewing star fruits with apples, sugar, and cloves are also popular. However, in most of the growing regions, fruits are eaten raw with common salt and chili. Star fruits are a major source of vitamins A and C and contain ample amount of calcium, folate, calcium, potassium, and oxalic acids. Star fruits are low in sugar and have phenol compounds such as epicatechin and proanthocyanidins. High levels of oxalic acids in star fruits (0.08–0.73 g/100 g) are also reported. However, reports are also available on intoxication and fatality on consumption of fresh star fruit juice. Thanks..


M Anem,

Senior Agronomist Expert,



(January 2025).

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