Tuesday, June 18, 2024


pineapple variety was launched in Miri recently. Sarawak’s very own pineapple variety known as Sarawak Gold (SG1) was launched today by Minister of Food Industries, Commodities and Regional Development Dato Sri Dr Stephen Rundi. According to the Malaysia Pineapple Industry Board (MPIB) the new pineapple variety has several advantages, as among others it can be planted in high density of up to 20,000 plants per acre, grows faster, early flowering as well as being able to produce many suckers in each round. Reportef that after nine months the farmers able to start selling the fruit while in months 12 and 13 they able to start replanting. We can do two rounds in two years and can get high returns. This new variety is definitely something that Sarawakians must be proud of,” he said in his speech at the launching of the new pineapple variety at TG Agro Fruits Sdn Bhd Collection Centre at Sungai Tukau, near here. According to MPIB, Sarawak is the second largest pineapple producer in the country, but it may soon overtake Johor which is currently the largest producer by 2025. MPIB informed that under the 12th Malaysia Plan (RMK12) has set aside RM25 million to RM30 million for high-impact modernisation and enforcement programmes in Sarawak for the next five years. This allocation is to be enjoyed by all Sarawakians irrespective of their race and religion. The new variety SG1 is by far planted commercially only at a pineapple plantation at Sungai Tukau near here on 10 hectares of land by TG Agro Fruits Sdn Bhd. This article in "Anim Agriculture Technology'' I reports on a new pineapple variety known as Sarawak Gold (SG1) as reported in many allocal media.

The newly Sarawak Gold 1 variant set to be game-changer in Malaysia’s pineapple industry and was set to have great potential and can be a game-changer in the country’s pineapple industry, said the Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board (LPNM). Its chairman, Sheikh Umar Bagharib Ali and Board Member of MPIB (including me as photo above) told that the SG1 variant was imported from Taiwan to Miri, Sarawak, in December last 2021 and was officially registered by the Ministry of Agriculture. He said the initial period for SG1 pineapple trees to be planted until harvesting only took about nine months, based on trial-planting results in Miri. This situation proves that the turnover rate of SG1 pineapple plants (recovering rate) is faster than other pineapples. For example, MD2 pineapple needs 14 to 16 months while Moris pineapple needs 12 months. This shows that SG1 pineapple is able to speed up and increase the income of pineapple farmers who previously had to wait for the harvesting period from once every two years to once every year. However that some intensive studies still need to be done especially in LPNM’s plan to bring in SG1 to Peninsular Malaysia since the variant is grown on sandy soil in Miri compared to the usual pineapple grown in peat and mineral soil in Peninsular Malaysia. Its  golden orange colour and sweet and juicy taste are tempting enough to eat fresh or processed into juice, plus the crunchy pulp can be chewed and swallowed straight away because there is no residual fibre or pulp. The ability of SG1 pineapple in the production of various downstream products must also be explored further. This is important to further develop the SG1 pineapple value chain. TG Agro Fruits Sdn Bhd’s farm in Sungai Tukau, Miri in which started planting SG1 pineapples in stages on 10 hectares of land near the river for the new approach in commercialisation plans in 2021. From several aspects of yesterday’s observations, I am optimistic about the great potential of this new pineapple variant. I believe SG1 will be a game changer in the pineapple industry in Malaysia. 

In other report stated that 'New pineapple variety expected to increase Malaysia's yearly production, says MPIB' are relevant for dicussion. The Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board (MPIB) will introduce a new variety of the tropical plant in August that would push up Malaysia's yearly production. Its chairman Sheikh Umar Bagharib Ali said that the board was still carrying out research and development on the new variety. 'We will officially introduce the new pineapple variety next month. The new variety would help increase Malaysia pineapple production,” he said when met after officiating at the closing ceremony of 2030 pineapple industry development direction workshop held at a hotel here on Thursday (July 6). He added that presently Malaysia produced between 400,000 and 600,000 metric tonnes of pineapples on a yearly basis but the country was only able to supply 0.25% of the world’s pineapple demand. Sheikh Umar said the country's pineapple plantation area in 2021 was at 16,204ha with a production value of RM675.7mil with Johor being the largest pineapple plantation state, covering 63% of the total. There are currently 16 pineapple varieties planted in Malaysia but only four varieties can be exported to overseas markets. The four pineapple varieties that we export are MD2, N36, Morris and Josephine while the rest is meant for the local market. However, with this new variety that MPIB is introducing soon, meant for both local and foreign markets, it can help increase our pineapple production. Under the 12th Malaysia Plan, the government has set a target of seeing pineapple production reach 700,000 metric tonnes by 2025. The government through the Agriculture and Food Security Ministry, has allocated RM23mil for this year to further develop our pineapple industry. This comes as last year, Malaysia's pineapple export value reached RM1.2bil, which has seen a steady increase after being badly hit by the Covid-19 pandemic and we are confident of being able to get RM1.3bil in export value in 2023. He added that among the top countries that imported pineapple products from Malaysia are Singapore, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia and Germany. The pineapple in which has been categorised as a new source of wealth for the country, was able to generate a better economy and income for farmers and entrepreneurs. For the encouraged more people, in particular the youth, to grab the opportunity and be involved in Malaysia’s pineapple industry. Thanks...
M Anem,
(Jun 2024).

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