Friday, September 10, 2021


THE REPORT on 'Malaysia's first in-store indoor farm' was on media recently as a new approaches. Vegetory is a new Malaysian-based company that has developed a plant factory indoor farming system. This farm grows plants from seeds in a controlled indoor environment, providing the exact amount of light, air and nutrients recipe for the plants’ optimum growth, and nothing else, thus keeping the original taste and flavour for the consumer. Founded in 2016 by Roy, the plant factory indoor farming system was set up in Malaysia. This platform supplies and distributes products to restaurants and cafes since 2017. In 2020, Vegetory developed its modular farm system for grocery stores. These modular farms can be placed in customer-facing city locations, such as grocery stores, restaurants, shopping malls, and schools, enabling the customer to pick the produce themselves. Their mission is sustainable development, research and development, and the use of advanced technology to provide fresh and nutritious crops to people around us, and to promote the good taste of life. We emphasize food safety and produce fresh crops with a stable quality. We believe that only a pure and friendly environment can have a safe and worry-free production quality, so that people in the city can also taste the new birth of the farm. This is our persistence," the Roy announces.  Vegetory was founded with the ambitious vision to feed the cities by bringing the farm close to the consumer. Back in 2018, many were talking about the potential of growing in-store. We couldn’t have imagined that only 2 years later we would have the first in-store farm in Malaysia, in partnership with a premium store at BSC. "Enjoying fresh and nutritious food in the city is no longer just a dream. Building a modern farm, adhering to the platform of real cooking, from activating concepts to your experience is our main goal. In that way, people can prepare table dishes like experts, and enjoy fresh and nutritious crops like farmers". Thanks.
M Anem,
(Febuary 2021).

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