Saturday, September 12, 2020


DURIAN FRUIT (Durio zibethinus) are popular fruits in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia and other tropical country in this region. Durian akso known as 'King Of The Fruit' from Moraceae family. There are 72,464 hectare of durian grown in Malaysia in 2018 producing 251,910 metric ton for domestic and export market. Among popular premium durian varieities grown in Malaysia are Musang King (D197), Black Thorn (D200), D24, Hajah Asmah (D168) and many others. For me durian is really a fruit which is extremely popular with lots of individuals, like an aromatic smell as well as the taste is scrumptious and also fairly sweet. Durian can also be appropriate food choices, simply because durian has numerous health advantages. Advantages are obtained not just from the flesh alone, but in addition from the skin as well as leaves. Many beliefs that durian fruit may cause sickness. Without a doubt, the opinion just isn’t completely incorrect, simply because consuming durian can easily improve blood pressure level and high cholesterol levels. Blog "Anim Agriculture Technology" write about the important of durian fruit for cmmercial use and benefits. 

Durian fruit related to Anemia. Durian has many different minerals inside of it, but there are high levels of folic acid within durian as well, which is an essential component in the production of red blood cells. Also, durian is a good source of iron and copper, two other essential components of red blood cells; once RBC production is back to normal, then symptoms of anemia will vanish, which include indigestion, migraines, fatigue, anxiety, and cognitive malfunction. Durian helps relieve migraine in which if you suffering from migraine headaches the regular consumption of durian may help relieve the pain sensation. Riboflavin is yet another B vitamin present in durian which will help and is also utilized to cure migraine headache.

Durian consists of good amount of tryptophan, the organic chemical closely related with falling asleep after Thanksgiving, since it is found in massive amounts in Turkey. By including tryptophan to your diet, it enters your brain, is converted to serotonin, which induces a feeling of relaxation and happiness. The excess serotonin then releases melatonin into the bloodstream, which causes the body to feel tired, and eventually pass out. If you suffer from insomnia, have a few pieces of durian before you try to fall asleep and see the results for yourself. Durian helps in curing jaundice or also known as icterus, is a yellowish or greenish pigmentation of the skin and whites of the eyes due to high bilirubin levels. It is one of the dangerous illnesses which are spreading throughout the world. A preparation from the roots and leaves of durian has typically been utilized as medicine for the treatment of several types of fevers as well as jaundice. So regular use of preparation from the roots and leaves of durian is recommended for curing Jaundice.

In other aspect, along with the nutrition in Durian Fruit the consumer can anticipate to obtain many types of the advantages such as to normalizes blood glucose levels, sustains healthy thyroid gland and assists safeguard from nausea. Durian also decreases skin rashes, retains hair color and aids in preventing dizziness. Durian fruit helps in avoiding hearing problems and able to supports healthy reproduction, enhances nerve function and increases muscle function. Eating durian decreases the confusion, decreases frustration, lowers exhaustion and reduces possibility of heart disease. Durian claim to decrease the possibility of hypertension, boosts exercise ability and 
Increases wound healing. It also stops cells from damages, enhances defense mechanisms, lowers chances of several cancers, enhances Iron assimilation, enhances lung health and alsoo helps prevent from repeated colds. It protects from repeated infections, supports brain function, decreases chance of Heart attack, safeguards from homocysteine build-up. Durin also helps safeguard from dermatitis and may possibly decrease seizures. Durian fruit may well improve appetite and decreases tingling in legs. Durian supports cardiovascular function, safeguards Cells from Oxygen Damag, decreases Sensitivity to Light and able in enhances Skin around eyes. Durian fruit decreases oral sores and cracks, decreases Skin peeling around nose, helps Good Vision and helps Cells Production. This article divided in 5 segment namely Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5 respectively.
M Anim Hosnan,
Senior Agronomiist,
Melaka City, Melaka,
July 2020.

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