Sunday, November 4, 2012


KELULUT BEE (Trigona spp) are known as non-stinger bee with about  33 species in Malaysia which popular for honey bee production and pollination activity in the fruit farms. From my observation at many states, there are few trigona species  commercially kept for many purposes. The kelulut hone are rich with nutrients and priced between RM35.00 - RM45.00 per 300 gram for meditation purposes.  The kelulut bee are not dangerous to the human due to it small size and not stinger bee with venom. The apiculture activity on Kelulut Bee started in year 2000 with some adaptation on wild kelulut bee from the native.  This article I would like to share my knowledge about Kelulut Bee in 'Anim Agriculture Technology' with all blog followers.

It was believed that the bee propolis from kelulut bee contain sticky material produced from the intestine of kelulut bee. There are claims that this compound is use widely as health food supplement   Among problems cured by the kelulut bee are diabetic, stroke, hepatitis, hypertension, cancer, HIV and AIDS. The traditional treatment usually use the kelulut honey for a series of application with combination of herbs. Mr Razip Ibrahim, 53, from Kampung Petani, Sering is one of the kelulut farmers producing kelulut honey bee for mor than 5 years ago. He and his wife start the project with a coconut and fruit vegetation area in his farm especially with Starfruit and other fruit trees.

Accoording to Mr Razip, each Kelulut bee colony kept in a hive wooden box sized  70 centimeter long and 20 centimeter width. This hive able to produce about
200 to 300 gram of honey bee and bee bread with about 200 to 400 gram of propolis. On other method, Mr Razip use a round contena (‘tempayan) than this container closed when the honey are matured. He gain the kelulut bee rearing technology from a local university and advise by close friends who also active in kelulut bee activity. Currently there are about 30 colony in boxes and tempayan surrounding his house. The large kelulut colony able to produce honey withun two weeks for harvesting. About 10 kg of kelulut honey has been collected since a year ago from the colony.

According to a scientific study from Prof. Madya. Siti Amrah Sulaiman from USM the Kelulut Bee are able to reduce glucose level for diabetic patient significantly. It was also claimed that this honey able to reduce the cancer risks. He also provide  kelulut bee chocolate as candies for the customer. Those interested to buy the kelulut colony able to contact him at 09-7648248 or 013-984091. I think the kelulut industry in Malaysia has a potential in future to come provided the technology improved with selected species. 

M Anim
Merlimau, Melaka,
(28 Zulhijjah 1433H)

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