Friday, October 11, 2024


A REPORT ABOUT 'Alien fish running riot in local rivers'
in Malaysia are fair to share with all readern in this blog. The above photo showing that a Piranhas as an African catfish, garfish, pirarucu, peacock bass, Chao Phraya high fin giant catfish and tilapia in which all these are all food fish in their countries of origin and are found in abundance in rivers, lakes and swamps, or bred in ponds in aquaculture projects. Most of these fish species thrive in rivers and lakes many times bigger and deeper than the longest river in Malaysia. Reported that in their natural environment all these fishes grow to monstrous sizes. All the fish mentioned above are carnivorous and predatory, including the tilapia which is an invasive species. The local media reported that any minnow or fish that fits in their mouths will become prey and their voracious appetite helps them to grow to enormous sizes as said Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) ichthyologist Dr Amirrudin Ahmad. These fish are native to the Amazon River (6,992km-long), Nile (6,893km), Congo (4,700km) and Mekong (4,350km). In comparison, Malaysia’s longest river known as Sungai Rajang in Sarawak is just 563km long while Sungai Kinabatangan ists length of 560km and lastly Sungai Pahang with total length of 459km. This article in "Anim Agriculture Technology" blog rewrite a report from few local media regarding the existence of alien fish in Malaysian water.

Reported that the short span and narrow width of our rivers make it easy for predatory fishes to hunt for smaller fish like Ikan Lampam, Ikan Kelah, Ikan Sebarau, Ikan Kaloi, Species of snakeheads (Haruan, Toman and Bujuk), as well as the smaller Malaysian Clarias species (catfish) as claim by Amirrudin (see photo above of local catfish). He said with the existence of these predatory fishes in local rivers and the proliferation over the years, it would not be long before indigenous species became depleted, or in the worst-case scenario to extinct. Although there are no records on when these fishes were released into the rivers, it is believed that some of these predators have been set free by hobbyists since the late 1980s. After such a long period, there is concern over the loss of aquatic biodiversity due to the introduction of these predatory and invasive species. A good example is the invasion of the red claw crayfish in Johor rivers. Actually stretegies as a STRICT SUPERVISION NEEDED in which as more of these predatory and invasive species being landed by anglers, it speaks volumes on the declining in the population of indigenous species. The Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services (MAQIS) needs to tighten its procedure and supervision of live fish imports. Equally important, the live fish traders must be more responsible by providing the list of their imported fish to the Fisheries Department. The next step is honesty in declaring the imported fish as true to the invoice.

The Fisheries Department and Maqis can also deter the import of banned species by explaining the laws and the penalties to importers. They should not entertain “I don’t know” excuses to escape punishment. Amirrudin said fisheries inspectors must be well-informed about banned species and able to identify the fish at first glance and at its juvenile stage. Today the local fish shops and hobbyists also must be educated on the latest prohibitions. Local fish shops especially must be required to display the list of banned fish at their outlets. A hotline or toll-free telephone number to the Fisheries Department should be displayed as big as the ‘No Smoking’ signage in the shops to allow the public to report sales of banned species. He said fish farms must not be allowed to breed certain species, especially breeders who grew the fish in cages along rivers and in lakes, because most of the catfish species from the Amazon rivers in which for example it could grow to monstrous sizes. In some years, we hear reports of fish cages being damaged and African catfish escaping into the rivers in Terengganu, Pahang and Perak. Unless a foolproof method is found, these fish should be bred in ponds. Similarly many anglers share the same responsibility. Any predatory foreign species caught must not be released back into the river. Predatory fish such as Ikan Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas), Species such as Alligator Gar (Lepisosteus), Peacock Bass, Chao Phraya high fin giant catfish (Pangasius sanitwongsei) and Red Tail Catfish (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus) have been reeled in by anglers in most major rivers in the country. When such fish snaps up the baits from rods and lines, it reflects a horrifying reality that the population in these rivers have grown. And the sizes of the peacock bass, red tail catfish and Chao Phraya high fin catfish which look like the local patin, commonly indicate that these predators have been in the rivers for more than two years. Religious and cultural releases (bayar nazar) of African catfish, which can grow to an enormous size, by the community should be replaced with the release of indigenous species such as lampam, baung, kelah or the smaller local catfish. The Fisheries Department should conduct a careful study on whether a fish species is safe for the biodiversity before introducing it for economic purpose. A question on what use is development and intense food production if they cause the extinction of natural assets?. When the natural resources are damaged by aquaculture or development, it can only be called destructive. State terengganu Fisheries Department director Zawawi Ali said hobbyists generally dumped predatory fishes into rivers when their pets could no longer fit into their tanks or when they lost interest in the hobby. Feeding big fish is costly. This may also be another reason they have to dispose of their pets,” he said, adding that the problem would arise when hobbyists imported predatory fish species without verifying with the department whether the species was banned. Thanks.
M Anem,
Agronomist Expert,
(September 2024).
11 October 2024

Friday, October 4, 2024


Latest news about END OF SEED AND FERTILZER CARTEL was urged by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim today as the seed and fertiliser monopoly held by cartels must come to an end in order to improve the country’s productivity in the agricultural sector. He said we can no longer allow seed and fertiliser monopolies to dominate the industry as he said in his speech when opening of the Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture and Agrotourism Exhibition (Maha) 0n 14 September 2024. A firm stance is needed, and the (agriculture and food security) ministry must act decisively to curb cartels that control the import of fertilisers and seeds he adding that political will is also important. He then called for new practices to prioritise selecting quality products based on research and evidence, and ensuring the best outcomes for farmers, fishermen and smallholders. Malaysian current government is now practising this new approach in which he expressed confidence that Malaysia’s agricultural landscape would see significant progress over the next two years, crediting the agriculture and food security ministry’s efforts. PM hope every agricultural agency will take this as a challenge because it can happen. Take lessons from how Qatar and Russia improved their agricultural productivity. Anwar added that Malaysia’s agricultural sector must adopt artificial intelligence (AI) technology to boost its productivity.  He had seen firsthand how AI can increase output. However, it requires a shift in practices and mindset within the local industry adding that government machinery must also function as an integrated ecosystem to drive improvements in productivity. In this article of "Anim Agriculture Technology" I like to share current news during MAHA Exibition Opening Ceremony recently.

Prime Minister 
also spoke of several mega projects being planned in the agricultural sector, including the first phase of a large-scale padi cultivation initiative, with a total project value of RM5 billion. He told reporter who is also finance minister said the project aims to boost padi yields and improve the livelihoods of local farmers. The ministry is focusing on increasing the nation’s rice production. This is crucial for enhancing the welfare of our farmers and ensuring food security. PM emphasized the need for all ministries and agencies to work as a cohesive team to ensure the nation’s food production targets were met. PM also acknowledged the challenge of rallying farmers, rice growers and fishermen to embrace these changes and adapt to the upcoming transformation in the agricultural sector. The key challenge is how to engage the farming communities, especially the padi planters and fishermen, to embrace this transformation and significantly increase their yields. Reported in May 2024 PM Anwar announced the government would increase its funding to upgrade irrigation systems in the Muda Agricultural Development Authority (Mada) region to implement a five-season padi planting project within two years. The expansion of the programme will cover an additional 30,000 hectares of land in Mada areas, which will be developed in stages. Ministry of Ahriculture told that the agricultural products contributed 10.9% to the country’s gross domestic product in the first quarter of the year 2024. Mistry told this growth came from three key sub-sectors that was agriculture (3.1%), manufacturing (2.2%) and services (5.6%) respectively.

Many media said that 
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim stressed that cartel practices in Malaysia’s agriculture sector must and will be stopped. He said the outdated system of importing seeds through cartels and monopolies must end without delay, and future decisions must be data-driven while prioritising the welfare of farmers, fishermen, and smallholders. He told to guarantee productivity, the entire ecosystem must be streamlined, especially with the involvement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS) and other relevant ministries. Seeds and fertilisers can no longer be controlled by cartels and monopolies like before. That is why it is essential to have a minister and a secretary-general who are firm in ensuring that the old cartel practices in fertiliser importation are completely eliminatedas he said when officiating the opening of the Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture, and Agrotourism Exhibition (Maha) 2024 at the Malaysia Agro Exposition Park today.Also present were Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Shamsul Azri Abu Bakar, Agriculture and Food Security Minister Mohamad Sabu, and his deputy Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup. Anwar said the food sector is a crucial pillar that the country must develop and focus on. Therefore, he stressed the importance of creating a holistic and sustainable ecosystem, rather than relying solely on the Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (Fama). Fama is a cornerstone and its performance has improved significantly. That is why I stress that the ecosystem must be functioning effectively. The Agriculture Ministry is a large and strategically important ministry for our country. Thanks.
M Anem,
Senior Agronomist,
(September 2024).

Monday, September 23, 2024


crop insurance scheme in Malaysia. Actually, reported that t
he Malaysian government will soon be offering crop insurance policies to compensate farmers for losses incurred as a result of natural disasters. This initiative is part of the government's efforts to enhance food security. According to the National Agrofood Policy 2021-2030 (NAP 2.0) is formulated with the vision of developing a sustainable, resilient, and high-technology agrofood sector in efforts to drive economic growth, enhance the well-being of the people, and prioritize food and nutrition security. Following the Standard Reinsurance Agreement (SRA) and the Livestock Price Reinsurance Agreement (LPRA) are cooperative financial assistance agreements between the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) and an insurance company. Started in Mac 2024 the takaful scheme is a long-term measure to assist farmers suffering losses caused by plant diseases and pest attacks. It was reported that the takaful scheme offers a higher amount of compensation of up to RM3,000 per hectare per season compared to RM1,800 per hectare per season under TBTP. As the development of the rice industry requires the formulation of a new policy involving six aspects, including providing subsidies for padi cultivation based on productivity rather than on the basis of rice field area. This latest article in "Anim Agriculture Technology" blog I share my knowledge about crop insurance implementation status in Malaysia.

According to my contacts at Universiti Putra Malaysia's agricultural economics expert known as Prof Datuk Dr. M Nasir Shamsudin, suggested that the government should consider floating the price of local white rice, implementing targeted rice subsidies, introducing crop insurance and early warning systems, and adopting a flexible floor price based on the Producer Price Index (PPI). He said that these six policy changes, with the integration of technology and the determination of farmer-entrepreneurs, have the potential to transform the landscape of the country's rice industry development to achieve a 100 per cent self-sufficiency level (SSL). Today our production policies need to be rationalised. Subsidies for padi cultivation, such as fertilisers and seeds, should be implemented based on productivity to further enhance the motivation of farmers in increasing their respective outputs. The government is currently practising price ceilings and floor price for rice...the retail price of local rice should be floated according to market prices. When it was floated, the government should implement targeted subsidies for rice to the B40 group, using methods such as cash transfers credited to their identification cards for rice purchases. The government should focus on developing the rice industry in the country to make it a profitable industry resulting in the country to be more self-reliant. Today the floor price for padi is currently set at RM1,200 per metric tonne, and it should ideally be "linked" to the Producer Price Index (PPI) to align with the increase in input costs. This is because many farmers incur increased input costs such as fertilisers but the floor price remains the same.

Media reported that in the next 2024 Budget presentation very soon that many party hope that the government can introduce crop insurance to ensure that farmers are not adversely affected in the event of incidents that damage crops that was similar to what exists in the United States. However to start with that the implementation of crop insurance could possibly be offered by government agencies such as the Farmers' Organisation Authority or Agrobank. The government also needs to establish an early warning system that can predict our rice production for a specific period to ensure our supply is always sufficient. According to an expert from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia's agricultural expert known as Dr. Noraziyah Abd Aziz Shamsudin that she suggested the government could explore the potential of cultivating rice to five times over in two years by ensuring the use of more early-maturing varieties to strengthen the domestic rice industry. That its impact on soil quality needs to be emphasised, along with addressing issues related to machinery that may damage soil structure, its effects on water quality, the health of farmers, and the use of agricultural chemical inputs. An idea of the development of more new rice varieties especially those that are early-maturing and resistant to abiotic stress factors such as drought, floods, heat, salinity and biotic stress factors like pests and diseases. This can be achieved by providing specific research funding to rice researchers, particularly those specialising in breeding and agronomy. Suggested also the government recommend several rice varieties based on the suitability of the rice planting location, which is beneficial for adjusting fertiliser requirements to minimise input. There should campaign to encourage farmers to plant a particular variety for a maximum of three seasons and then switch to another variety. They can return to the previous variety after a few seasons to reduce disease and pest attacks. Proposal of  the establishment of special areas for low-input and sustainable rice production systems can also be implemented.
M Anem,
Senior Agronomist Expert,
(September 2024).

Thursday, September 19, 2024


(Cocos nucifera) defined as the clear liquid inside young coconuts. In early development, it serves as a suspension for the endosperm of the coconut during their nuclear phase of development. As growth continues, the endosperm mature into their cellular phase and deposit into the rind of the coconut meat. Coconut water has long been a popular drink in the tropics such and Malaysia and other country such as in India, Brazilian Coast, Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, Africa, and the Caribbean and where it is available fresh, canned, or bottled. From my own observation the coconuts for drinking are packaged and sold in many places. These are typically Asian coconuts whose outer green husk has been removed, and the remainder wrapped in plastic. Throughout the tropics they can be found sold by street vendors, often cut in front of customers to ensure the coconut water's freshness. Coconut water can also be found in ordinary cans, tetrapaks, or plastic bottles. Bottled coconut water has a shelf life of 24 months. In recent years, coconut water has been marketed as a natural energy or sports drink due to its high potassium and mineral content. Marketers have also promoted coconut water for having low amounts of fat, carbohydrates, and calories. However, marketing claims attributing tremendous health benefits to coconut water are largely unfounded. This tonight article in "Anim Agriculture Technology'' blog I write about the benefit of coconut water for drinking and hair treatment.

For decades c
oconut oil gets a lot of attention for its ability to treat and transform hair and popular in Malaysia. It's respected for its ability to hydrate hair and operate as a moisture-locking emollient. The study shown that while there is no denying the results coconut oil can create, it can weigh finer hair down or be too oily for some. The coconut water found inside of the coconut is rich in many of the same nutrients as its oil, offering hydration without density. Coconut water is easy to find as well in Malaysia with most in wet market, retailers shop, roadside stall and also at supermarkets carrying it in its pure form. In a question of either it is hydrated hair just a grocery list away in which to find out, many refer to professional. Study claime that coconut water help us understand the potential benefits of coconut water for your hair and scalp. Regarding the benefits of coconut water for hair in which coconut water is the mostly-clear liquid that is found inside of the coconut. It is a popular drink in many cultures include Malaysia and is regarded in the fitness community as a kind of natural sports drink. This is due to its organically occurring electrolytes and sugars. Coconut water also contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytohormones in which work to provide hydration when applied directly to the hair. Many of these nutrients are able similarly found in coconut oil, however the weight of the oil is a deterrent for those with thin or oily hair.  Coconut oil is "rich in fatty hydrating lipids, the water is much more lightweight and will not weigh down thin or oily hair. 

The study shows that coconut water works to hydrate our hair, without the weight found in coconut oil. Researchers explains that coconut water can penetrate deep into the hair shaft making it a great source of hydration for the hair. While it does not have the same emollient properties as coconut oil, its lightweight nature allows for hydration and volume. Coconut water also n
ourishes the scalp and it rich rich in certain vitamins and minerals and is a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Many people find it to be calming to an itchy scalp due to an excellent source of vitamins and minerals beneficial for hair and scalp. Coconut water works to provide moisture to scalps that flake due to dryness and able to prevent dandruff. The treatment and prevention of dandruff due to inflammation or bacteria. Coconut water contains anti-inflammatory properties, which are beneficial for flaky scalps. It also smoothest the hair  by moisturized andthe hair appears and feels softer and shinier. There are proof that the dry hair is brittle hair. Brittle hair is more prone to breakage and shedding, two factors that contribute to thinning hair. By providing moisture to the hair and scalp, coconut water can improve the elasticity of hair and able to promote hair growth and keep the hair and scalp moisturized. Expert found that they agree that coconut water is safe for all hair types. It including color-treated hair in which if many looking for a solution for adding moisture without sacrificing volume, you've found it in coconut water. Coconut water can be used on all hair types and is gentle enough to be incorporated into any hair care regimen.  

Coconut water can be easily found in most grocery stores in Malaysia but it's important to ensure that any coconut water we purchase to apply to your hair does not have any added sugars or flavors. Organic, raw coconut water will provide the most benefits to your hair without becoming sticky. There are also benefits to drinking coconut water in addition to applying it to your hair, as many of the nutrients found in coconut water are needed to promote hair growth. Coconut water is generally safe, but if somebody have a nut allergy and taking medication for blood pressure, pregnant or nursing after consuming it.  It was common practice in Malaysia in wgich coconut water can be used as a rinse following shampooing to provide extra hydration especially in rural areas. Many traditional way to do treatment by applying coconut water directly to the scalp and hair without diluting it with other products. Som people also practice to add to shampoo or conditioner: Coconut water can be added to your shampoo or conditioner and the recommended way is by mixing ¼ cup of coconut water with any of your favorite products. Last but not least in which coconut water is a natural source of electrolytes and many vitamins and minerals and good fro DRINKS. It can be very beneficial to your overall health when consumed.  By drinking coconut water definitely provides better results for hair growth. Healthy hair growth is from the inside out related to a healthy body produces healthy hair. The antioxidants, lauric acid (fatty acids), cytokinins (proteins) and essential vitamins and other rich minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron and B vitamins are most effective in the bloodstream. These nutrients provide active hair cells the nourishment and support needed to form strong follicles and promote hair growth. Coconut are known also as 'Tree of Life' with tremendous usage and efficient. Thanks.

M Anem,
Written in (January 2021).
Updated on September 2024.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


in Malaysia as I know in which there are two main types of beekeeping, traditional and modern beekeeping. Traditional beekeeping involves harvesting honey from naturally occurring hives of wild bees. The modern beekeeping means raising domesticated bees, in hives managed by beekeepers. Beekeeping in Malaysia has been practised and first found documented since the Sultanate of Malacca. Today, both traditional and modern approaches to beekeeping are used locally. Beekeeping is crucial to the conservation and sustainability of the ecosystem. There may be hundreds of species of bees found around the world. Only a few of these are seen as real pests here in Malaysia and some of them do not sting. Some species, like the Honey Bee (Apis cerana or Apis mellifera) are actually a valuable part of our ecosystem. Normally it costs roughly RM500 per hive to get started including to usee Kelulut ar Stingless Bee (Trigona itama or Trigona thoracica). This doesn't include a continued further investment in queens, replacement bees, sugar (for feeding), and new equipment (as you split your hives, for the new techniques, etc.). Be ready to spend well over RM1,000 in the first year for two hives. This article in "Anim Agriculture Technology" blog I write about beekeeping in Malaysia for environmental and commercial activities.

The activities in beekeeping in Malaysia by a farmers known as Raja Mohd Soffian (Hhoto above) in which he 
keeps at home are of the Apis florea typeas hobby. He said that bees are busy little creatures, flying around from plant to plant, buzzing busily. One or two aren’t usually noticeable but when the colony is on the move, they sound like a squadron of fighter planes out on manoeuvres. Many people are frightened of bees. However as a growing number are adopting bees and advocating for them. Other three Malaysians friens of him talk about their love for our apian friends as 'from dream to honey farm'. Fisrt friend known as Cathy Kong Chai Yuen manages over 30 hives and has a side business selling honey. It all started because she had a dream. “When she retire, she want to run a home farm and live independently in a natural way,” she shares. Back in 2018, she lived in Kuala Lumpur and had only a tiny garden and later she decided to start small and work from there. “Farming is about managing an ecosystem, she points out. And bees are fundamental. I bought a hive of bees to pollinate the plants in my garden. My veggies grew better immediately. She kicked off with a single hive of stingless bees. When I started my research, most of the information was about honey bees from the West with stings and later she found a local group and they taught me about local bees. She started with Bee Savior and learning how to identity, manage and transport bees. She learned to save bee colonies but I was staying in the city and kept one colony in the kitchen in my old place. They were small local honeybees, with stings, but they’re friendly. But with having only a little space, I had to go far into the forest to release other rescue hives.

She (
Kong) moved to Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, at the start of the MCO, which finally gave her a bigger garden. She moved in hives of dwarf honey bee (Apis florea) and Asian honey bee (Apis cerana) bees for the plants, and promptly added a fish pond. With the bees working the pollination, and the fish feeding the plants, Kong has the perfect mini ecological system. The bees do more than work in the garden in which she has a cold now and I’m using their honey tea. The propolis that they use to build their hives is also medicinal, as is the royal jelly they make. I’ve stopped buying cold medication. It’s going so well that Kong has set up a farm of 30 hives of stingless bees outside of the city. They are unique insects but many people are so afraid of them, thinking they’re wild and will hurt them. But to me they are just cute and bees are like us humans. If you slap a person, they slap back. Bees are the same! If you just leave them alone, they do their own thing. She knows that bees are hardworking, independent, and not messy. Actually, they are the ideal pet for Malaysian with suitable habitat. Later she love affair continues and aside from her bee farm, Kong continues to rescue bees. She pass rescue hives to fellow farm owners for pollination and to adopters. As for the self-sustaining home farm dream, that continues too. 

In other stories w
hen Dr Mohd Norowi Hamid from Salak Tinggi, Sepang, was director of the Strategic Resource Research Centre at the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (Mardi), his job was to research biological diversity. In the course of his work, he came across a burgeoning issue. Before his job was to research biological diversity and today, he is the president of MY Bee Savior Association. They found pollinators declining in frightening numbers in which globally, they are disappearing 100 to 1,000 times faster than normal. So they have made it his mission to study and promote local bees. Today, Dr Norowi is president of MY Bee Savior Association, an NGO dedicated to rescuing and relocating bees, and also raising public awareness of apian matters and their importance to humankind. When people think of bees, they usually think of honey but conservationists and scientists value bees for their pollination work. Bees are vital for the ecosystem because they help plants to reproduce. Seedbearing plants and flowers create small grains called pollen that help fertilise plant cells. Actually sometimes, the wind will blow pollen about. Should it land on target, it will help plants to produce fruit. However bees are much more efficient. As these insects buzz about, they transfer pollen from plant to plant. It’s efficient and very effective. The problem is that pollinators like bees are being killed off in huge numbers by people, pollution and climate change. There are over 265 species of bee in Malaysia, from the Asian Honeybee that is super resistant to many diseases, to the tropical carpenter bee. He love that there are so many different species but to be practical, it’s best to think of them in two groups: Social and solitary. More than 90% of all bee species are solitary. They don’t produce honey. The remaining lot are social and they do make honey. In the past, the focus was on honey but today, as numbers are declining and we have a biodiversity crisis, research limelight is on solitary bees. They work hard at keeping pollination going and are vital for conservation.

Norowi’s personal favourite are stingless bees. In his career, he has researched 32 species, including the five species that produce honey, and discovered the best way for beekeepers to domesticate two local species. Even t
hey’re small, so they can go everywhere, even little flowers and they are enthuses and are great little workers. Plus, they’re very friendly and he have a hive by my backdoor and nine more in the front. They’re easy-going, and never a problem to anyone. Reported that in 2021, when a swarm of bees arrived at his house in his hometown located at Kg Kundang Patah, in Raub, Pahang. He heard that bees are important and that you can relocate them and went online to see how that might work. From  YouTube and Facebook yielded some information, but relocating a hive is a bit too complex for everyday folk. Soffian called Bee Savior in for the job but his passion for all things apian had been ignited. He watched Mr Lail from Bee Savior move my first bees and after that he decided to take lessons.

In other case activist known as 
Soffian who now lives in Sungai Merab, Kajang, Selangor recently became a bee rescuer himself. In addition there are more bees came to visit. He live near the forest so they come and live with me. There are seven hives near me now and he watch them every morning, going in and out (of the hives), working away and love them. Before he was told in school that bees are dangerous but they’re not and many people should live side by side as neighbours. Soffian has a day job as a technician but he also continues his volunteer work as bee rescuer. “Tomorrow, I’m relocating two hives. I will bring one to my place and the other to the forest. I will take my wife and my five-year-old son along for this trip. Some hives near Soffian’s home in Sungai Merab, Kajang, Selangor. The bee lover notes that some people call regularly, as they have one hive after another moving in. It’s grist to the mill for Soffian. His favourite species is the red dwarf honeybee or Apis florea because they can build hives anywhere. Sometimes they build in a corridor, sometimes under a table they are very creative!. They are small bees but they can fly quite high too so he had to move them from apartments. Actually when farmers moving bees there are essentially interfering with their home. The Asian honeybee (Apis cerana) able to sting and they sometimes want to fight human. He stun them with smoke and wear protection normlly use two T-shirts instead of one. I get that they’re worried, and it’s OK if they sting me and better not to  allergic. He also an active advocate for bee protection in Malaysia. He posts on Facebook and Tik Tok and educating friends and spreading the good news. better not to burn them but better to save them. Anybody see bees, just call Bee Savior and we’ll come and get the bees for you. Its Free!. Anybody can’t just dump a log of bees in the garden and hope it works. The environment needs to be sustainable. Local need to know your basics, like how bee colonies work from the queen who lays the eggs to the worker bees. Also, you need to be aware of weather and monsoon patterns so you know when to collect honey. By reading a book, taking a short course, or working with an existing beekeeper should be enough to get you started. Thanks...
M Anem,
Senior Agronomist,
Hotel Zenith Putrajaya,
(August 2024).

Sunday, September 1, 2024


TALK ABOUT the history of Malaysian Beekeeping, in order to guide current developments in beekeeping. It is also was intended to sustain and promote the local beekeeping industry. Beekeeping in Malaysia has been practiced and first found documented since the Sultanate of Malacca. Today, both traditional and modern approaches to beekeeping are used locally. Beekeeping is crucial to the conservation and sustainability of the ecosystem. It offers natural pollination, future food security, high income generation, medicinal products, and research opportunities. However, bee domestication, problems with queen rearing, low honey production, inconsistency in quality and the high price of honey, dumping of adulterated honey on the local market, the lack of a Malaysian honey standard, and no existing body or centre to monitor beekeeping development have become a major challenge. The issues could address which the better establishment of a Majlis Lebah Negara and a one-stop centre, to guide, monitor and develop Malaysian beekeeping to an exceptional level, for the benefit of all. In Malaysia Bee Keeping activity include for Apis cerana (Lebah Keran), Apis mellifera (Lebah Import) also collection of wild bee such as Apis dorsata (Lebah Tualang). But in recent 7 -10 years ago more farmers are doing with Kelulut (Stingless Bee) as more profitable activity such as Trigona itama, Trigona thoracica dan 7 other minor species. This article in blog "Anim Agriculture Technology" I write about some facts about beekeeping in Malaysia recently.

According to Bernama which '
Bee populations declining due to pesticides, says activist group' should be discussed. The issue of the use of pesticides on crops, synthetic fertilisers also genetically modified crops, and climate change are among the main reasons for the declining bee population in the country. Reported that it is currently very difficult to find beehives in the peninsula, and many traditional beekeepers themselves admit that bee colonies are also decreasing, according to activist group known as Consumers Association Penang (CAP). Its senior education officer N.V. Subbarow said the use of pesticides on crops, synthetic fertilisers, genetically modified crops, and climate change are among the main reasons for the declining bee population in the country. he claimed that their (bees) importance cannot be overlooked as bees are responsible for 80 per cent of the world's food supply. About 70 out of the top 100 crops that humans consume in which supply up to 90 per cent of the world's nutrition are pollinated by bees. Reported that the widespread use of pesticides threatens bees, causing their numbers to dwindle. Additionally some unplanned land development also impacts the habitat of these pollinators as he told Bernama in conjunction with World Bee Day recently. CAP suggested to the community to set up more organic farms because it tends to support higher biological diversity and better bee health thus preventing the extinction of bees. The community could also plant some of their own food crops without using pesticides and synthetic fertilisers as the cultivation of flowering vegetables, fruits, and herbs could attract bees. In an effort to raise awareness about the importance of saving bees, the association has also conducted outreach sessions in several selected schools. Thanks.
M Anem,
Senior Agronomist
(August 2024).

Thursday, August 22, 2024


VERTICAL FARMING are growing crops in vertically stacked layers in an indoor environment and it is well known for the producing fast-growing crops. Under the carefully controlled conditions used by vertical farms, plants such as herbs and leafy greens can go from seed to sprout to harvest in a matter of weeks, which is usually a much shorter timeline than that offered by conventional agriculture. So it seems fitting enough that the entire vertical farming sector, not just the crops it produces, is experiencing equally rapid growth. Worldwide, the vertical farming industry was valued at USD2.24 billion in 2018, and experts predict that by 2026 that figure will increase to almost USD13 billion or nearly a six-fold increase. Actually being able to produce crops 365 days a year and without the need for pesticides or much human intervention, while being unaffected by the weather and will appeal to many growers after such prolonged at wet autumn the vertical farming technology sometimes called indoor farming is the practice of growing plants under fully controlled conditions in buildings in many stacked layers, without solar light. Unlike glasshouse production in which relies on sunlight, it makes use of LED lighting to provide different wavelengths of light, according to crop and growth stage need. Together with soil-less growing techniques and environmental control systems, vertical farming is a specialist business. Vertical farming is actually what is it?. This blog 'Anim Agriculture Technology' share an info about tje rising industry of vertical farming in UK and amany other states.

In this case a question ablout either a Hydroponics or Aeroponics to be applied?. The answer was both hydroponics and aeroponics deal with plants without the traditional growing medium of soil. How the plants’ roots are situated in the systems determines the way in which they receive nutrients. In hydroponic systems, the roots are submerged in water and nutrients are delivered in the water. In aeroponics, the roots are exposed and sprayed with a mist containing water and nutrients, resulting in a humid, fog-like environment. Much of this plant growth so far has been concentrated in early-adopter countries, notably the US and Japan, but other countries and regions are catching on quickly. In the UK, for example, vertical farming (along with other forms of indoor and urban agriculture) has taken off in a big way over the past few years. With several dense urban areas, a large population that is increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of food production, and a reputation for technological leadership and innovation, the UK is in many ways the perfect home for a thriving indoor farming scene. In the past year alone, a number of major new vertical and indoor farming projects have been announced  including a plan from the Edinburgh-based company Shockingly Fresh to expand from five to 40 sites  while existing projects, facilities, and companies are seeing impressive growth in their operations due to increased investment and interest.

Latest that the highlights of the UK’s thriving indoor and vertical farming scene include the growing underground, square mile farm, farm urban and LettUs Grow approach. Many probably wouldn’t expect to find fresh microgreens and salad leaves growing 33 meters below the bustling streets of the south London neighborhood of Clapham, but that’s exactly what you’ll encounter at Growing Underground. Billing itself as “the world’s first underground farm,” Growing Underground has transformed a World War II deep-level bomb shelter into a highly sophisticated indoor farm. During the war years, the bunker housed as many as 8,000 troops; today, after 70 years of post-war abandonment, the underground tunnels are home to a hydroponic growing facility illuminated by the latest LED lighting systems. Produce grown at Growing Underground can be found at some of the UK’s biggest retail outlets, including Marks & Spencer. The facility also offers regular farm tours for curious members of the general public. The Square Mile Farms are another London-based vertical farming operation that has been garnering plenty of attention is Square Mile Farms, which is located in the capital city’s busy work and social hub of Paddington Central. The hydroponic growing facility sits on the rooftop of the new mixed-use building at 2 Kingdom Street, where in-demand produce such as kale, fennel, and basil is grown using vertical towers and no soil.  Given its busy central location, Square Mile Farms hopes to make ongoing connections with the Paddington community and to inspire neighborhood residents to take an interest in local, sustainable, nutritious food. The farm aims to achieve this goal not only through its fresh crops, but also by hosting workshops and events centered around food and farming. For example, How to Grow Your Own Microgreens is a popular ongoing workshop offered at the farm, while other recent talks have covered topics such as the basics of healthy eating and how to minimize food waste.

For Farm Urban actually there are many innovative vertical and indoor farming projects popping up in the UK’s capital, but London is far from the only city where vertical farms are growing. Liverpool, for example, is home to a technically advanced vertical farm that has already been in operation for half a decade. Founded by two academics in 2014, Farm Urban is housed in the deep basement of a former sugar factory; the hydroponic operation not only grows crops for commercial sale, it also serves as a department of the Liverpool Life Sciences University Technical College. Since Farm Urban was established, its two co-founders have gone on to install hydroponic vertical growing systems at a number of other major public sites, including the University of Liverpool, the Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, and the Ness Botanic Gardens. The LettUs Grow concept in which most vertical and indoor farms rely heavily on advanced technology in order to be able to create the perfect growing conditions all year round for their crops. This kind of technology is basically developed and provided by companies like LettUs Grow, a Bristol-based enterprise that designs hardware and software for indoor growing facilities. Some of the key focus areas for LettUs Grow are aeroponic growing operations with this growing technique, plants’ roots are not submerged in a nutrient solution but suspended in air and misted with the solution. LettUs Grow also focuses on closed-loop control via the company’s cloud-hosted Ostara platform, as well as data capture tools that allow growers to understand exactly how their crops are doing and what adjustments need to be made. This article divided in 3 segment that was Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 respectively. Thanks.


M Anim,
(Wrote in December 2020).
This rticle updated in August 2024.